Frequently Asked Questions
How does Acupuncture work?
Acupuncture is based on ancient traditional theories based on the flow of blood and Qi (energy) throughout the body. According to Chinese medical theory, illness arises when the cyclical flow of Qi in the meridians becomes unbalanced or blocked. Acupuncture regulates the flow of energy, restoring the harmonious balance of the body and returning optimal health and well-being.
Does Acupuncture hurt?
For the majority of our patients, Acupuncture is very relaxing. Some of our patients even fall asleep during treatment to awaken feeling refreshed and relaxed. We use a style that is very gentle. Occasionally a little prick can be felt when the needle is first inserted, but it tends to go away quickly. If a needle hurts for longer than a couple seconds it is removed for optimal patient comfort.
How long do treatments take?
The first treatment can take around 45 minutes to 1 hour. Follow-up visits usually take around 30 to 40 minutes. Many people like the flexibility of coming in even on their lunch break and being able to get back to work.
How many treatments will it take before I feel better?
It depends. One of the purposes of the first visit is to figure out exactly how many treatments Michael recommends. Just like taking medications, it takes more than one treatment to achieve Optimal Health. On average for problems that are more recent, it can take between five and ten visits. For longer-term or chronic problems it is usually between 10 and 20 visits. We offer cash packages to make this more convenient for the patient.
Does my insurance cover acupuncture?
Many insurance providers in North Carolina do not cover acupuncture. We do not bill insurance at our clinic. This gives us the freedom and ability to offer exactly what therapies are needed for you the patient as opposed to what therapies are approved by insurance. We offer treatment packages to provide optimal care to our patients!
What can I expect to feel after an Acupuncture treatment?
Our patients typically experience total or partial relief of their symptoms (as well as a sense of deep relaxation) after their Acupuncture treatment. This relief may last a few days or some pain may return within a few hours. In some cases there may be no immediate relief after treatment, followed by a gradual diminishing of the symptoms over the next few days following treatment. Because our bodies are unique, our response to Acupuncture is also unique.
Do you have any specialties?
Yes, the symptoms we treat most often with good results are:
Severe Chronic Pain
Men's Sexual Health
Michael Johnson, MSA, Lic. Ac.
Acupuncturist, Black Mountain NC
Michael Johnson, the founder and Acupuncturist at Pristine Acupuncture in Black Mountain NC, is a leading authority in treating severe and chronic pain conditions, anxiety/stress, and allergies. Michael has practiced for 12 years, and especially enjoys helping in cases where people have been told they have little to no hope. There is hope… we're here for you!
Acupuncture Testimonials
“Michael Johnson with Pristine Acupuncture and Wellness in Black Mountain is professional, handles needle painlessly. I was always afraid of needles, but there is no pain when he put the needle in. It took care of the pain.” - Quing Wong
“Michael Johnson is an extremely knowledgeable, friendly, and accommodating health care professional. As a business owner who's on the go all the time, I find my weekly stress management sessions to be extremely therapeutic. I have been going to him for the past 6 months, and will definitely continue to in the future.” - Winnie Clark, Asheville